Tag Archives: cis

How “identity” became everything

“The phenomenon of the drag queen dramatically demonstrates such boundary violation. Like whites playing “black face”, he plays at incorporation of the oppressed role without being incorporated in it.” Mary Daly, Gyn/Ecology – 1978 Three months ago, ABC news editor Don Ennis walked into work in a dress and a wig and told colleagues he […]

RadFem 2013: we didn’t kill any men

On 8th & 9th June 2013 a conference for radical feminists was held in central London. ‘RadFem 2013’, as it was termed, aimed ‘to re-build a radical feminist movement and support the re-emerging interest in radical feminism among women.’ Its organisers claimed to be ‘committed to building a strong and vibrant women’s liberation movement and […]

Are transwomen women?

A good explanation, courtesy of Feminist Roar: http://ask.fm/FeministRoar/answer/42173373201

Don’t throw out the Feminist baby with the Burchill bathwater

….title of a blogpost made over at talkingphilosophy.com. Link to full article here: http://blog.talkingphilosophy.com/?p=6662#comment-132309 Pertinent points for those interested in radical feminism: Feminism starts with women being allowed to define themselves and to carve out spaces for themselves. Trans women will say that they are exactly that: women being allowed to define themselves. But you […]

Cis? My arse!

A good few years ago, I joined a well-known UK-based feminist website. I was hoping to find like-minded women, as well as keep up to date with current feminist issues. One of the first comments I made on that site was about a pregnant ‘man’. I use the quotes because this pregnant person was not, […]